Last Games' Highlights

Friday, December 10, 2010


Now, after all the World Cup nonsense, Fury have one thing on their minds, staying afloat! With 2 more players (Payne and Malik) announcing they're moving on next year, Middleby, Straka and Krayem are busy with their staff getting a Community ownership draft on the books for FFA, and with the latest news of the Sydney Rovers Franchise not given a chance for the 2011/12 season, due to lack of capital, meaning Fury may have some bad news coming their way. The FFA are still looking for a second team for a Sydney franchise to make that 12th team as the FFA have the schedule to worry about. There have also been talks about a possible bid for a Canberra or Tasmanian team to join next season. Hopefully expanding to make more exciting Football.

FFA saying that fans have been complaining about the odd number of teams, making byes for each team and then Franz Straka had a go at nearly everyone in the post match talk in Gold Coast last week, about the fact that the schedule coming up the christmas is not for the light-hearted and probably the cause of his absence from the sideline against Adelaide last night.

As much as Fury hate to admit it, the off-pitch politics with their predicament has had an affect on their games, and it's unfortunate to see that happen to such a young, versatile team, which had so much potential at the start of the season, to rock the table. Well we know that hasn't happened, so far.

We shall see how this roller coaster of news will pan out and hopefully we will see all back next year, but we will see! The best the fans can do is keep our heads up, turn up and "Stand up for Fury", and make sure you have done your bit in making sure they have your support.

Next game is this Wednesday (15 Dec) at 7pm (LOCAL- at Dairy Farmers, Townsville) versus last season's Grand Final winners Sydney. Shall be a cracker!

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